Bole, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia +251911650870
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Access Tour - Ethiopia offers guided tour for individual, small and large groups of travellers featuring a wide selection of natural, cultural and historical highest standards

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Gastronomic Tour Packages

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Cooking Ethiopian Food
Cooking Ethiopian Food

As Ethiopia is a country with diverse Ethnic group, there are variety of cooking but there are most popular once, same of them are Shiro wot (Sauce from the powder of beans and cheek pie) and variety of vegetables. So, clients will learn how to cook their own meal starting from shopping from local market.The colorful and flavorful Ethiopian food is known for having plenty of health benefit.Injera, the sourdough- risen flat bread with a slightly spongy texture is traditionally made from teff flour. Teff which is becoming popular in the world is highly nutritious gluten free grain, complete protein, an excellent source of iron and calcium, has the highest fiber content of any grain, making Injera both easy to digest and incredibly filling. Injera is served with wat, healthy, protein, and vegetable rich stews. Moreover, gastronomy tourism helps to empower women and youth and to support sustainability.


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Bole, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


